
ForVidaTM     - real time remote patient monitoring; the most advanced, robust and full‐featured personal health remote monitoring technology in the marketplace

  • Doctor Advantages:
    • Extends basic health care functionality beyond the hospitals, offices and labs into an ever-present wireless environment with Internet connectivity, making care providers more efficient and increasing our health care system’s capacity


  • Payer Advantages:  


  • Patient Advantages:
    • Equips health care consumers with the ability to generate and monitor their own medical data as it flows into a secure web portal that they, their advocates, and their chosen care providers may access to collaborate on the best course of action mobile, handheld, consumer-oriented personal health monitoring system
    • Creates a pull-through market mechanism that equips health care consumers with the tools they need to make better health care choices, and to communicate more efficiently with their health care providers regarding their treatment options.


With the HRSI system, consumers and care providers develop a much clearer understanding of health status. At the same time, the system enables users to travel about freely while experiencing a much greater sense of security.  The result is increased capacities, lower costs for both payers and consumers while providing higher service quality and greater consumer satisfaction.